My apartment is an ever-evolving snap-shot into what makes me smile.  This old window is the perfect example…

I rescued this old beauty from the Building Resource Center for my then-bougainvillea-honeysuckle filled-garden. While I eventually left that garden-home behind for city living, I could not part ways with the window… So it became an indoor staple…But 2 cross-country moves later, I found myself thinking it no longer fits my aesthetic/it might be time to part ways….

Until a couple weeks ago, when I had a thought…. What if I could use cellophane to make ‘stained glass’… Turns out, you CAN! 

I love it so much–just look at that pop of color! It fits right in with my DIY painted lampshade and boho dog canopy (yes, my dog’s crate lives under a boho canopy) 🙂 

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